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If you’ve ever felt a pull towards ministry, The Called Conference is for you! Whether you’re in high school or college, this event is all about helping you discover and strengthen your calling. Called 2025 will feature powerful main-stage talks and breakout sessions led by people who’ve walked the ministry path themselves. They’ll share real stories, wisdom, and tips to inspire and guide you as you step into your own journey.

Don’t miss this chance to grow, learn, and get ready for what’s next!
The cost is just $30 a person.


Scott Pace

Scott Pace currently serves as the Vice President of Undergraduate Studies, Dean of The College at Southeastern, and Associate Professor of Pastoral Ministry and Preaching at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Scott Pace
IMG 4253

Worship Leaders

The Theikos Exchange

The Theikos Exchange is a worship band made up of guys from all across Alabama. Our main goal as a band is to always lead people to Christ through songs of praise and worship. We try our best to exemplify Christ in all that we do and show that, in Him, true joy and happiness are found. This is why we are called The Theikos Exchange. Theikos is a Greek word meaning “divine,” and when paired with exchange, it talks about the exchange between Christ and us when we accept Him as our savior.


Saturday, August 2


Samford University




Coming Soon!

10:00      General Session 1
11:15      1st Breakout 
12:30       Lunch
1:15         General Session 2 
2:15         2nd Breakout 
3:30         General Session 3 
5:00         Dismiss 

Breakout Sessions

Career as Ministry: Having a Gospel Mindset

Worship Leadership

Next Gen Ministry Panel

Women in Ministry

Dealing with Anxiety & Depression

International Missions

Out of the Box Ministry: Parachurch Organizations

Back to the Bible: Discipling Without Curriculum

One Mission: Summer Mission Debrief