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ENGAGING Alabama Campuses with the Gospel!

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“I couldn’t believe that he had never heard any of it before.”

“As I continued to quote Scripture, I could see the wall come down and these students’ hearts being open to hearing the message of God’s love!”

Students connected with Alabama Baptist Campus Ministries have spent the last month praying for and engaging fellow students with the good news of the Gospel.  An annual focus on campuses nationwide, ENGAGE24 helps students understand the importance and the urgency of sharing Christ with friends and family and making that a part of their everyday walk.

For many students, this was their first time to share the Gospel with a fellow student.  More than 425 students and campus ministers shared the Gospel 555 times during the 24-day focus on evangelism and discipleship.  Many were completely surprised that there were students on their campus who had never heard about Jesus

Gospel seeds have been planted, and students are continuing to pray for specific friends and seeking opportunities to share.

Our call is to be faithful: to share the good news and the Gospel’s life-changing impact.  While students continue to pray and make decisions, we know that at least seven students made decisions to follow Christ in the past few weeks on college and university campuses in Alabama!

To God be the glory! There are really two incredible aspects of ENGAGE24: students hearing the Gospel and coming to faith in Christ AND students understanding the importance and urgency of sharing Christ on Alabama’s greatest mission field.

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