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‘God can use you!’: Retiring JSU campus minister reflects on three decades of ministry 

Gary Brittain (center), BCM campus minister at Jacksonville State University, with two male JSU students

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Longtime Alabama Baptist campus minister Gary Brittain says there are “not enough pages” to tell the story of what God has done and is doing through college ministry.

Brittain is retiring this month after more than 40 years of collegiate ministry, 33 ½ of those as Baptist Campus Ministries campus minister at Jacksonville State University,

“How do you describe 33 ½ years, other than in broad strokes? The story is a lot longer than what is here, and I stood on the shoulders of the people before me,” he said.

Brittain did not start out intending to be a campus minister. Though he knew God was calling him to ministry, all he knew were the traditional pastoral roles. Campus ministry wasn’t on his radar.

“God called me to a ministry I couldn’t define,” he said.

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