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Judah was in trouble. They were under attack from foreign nations. King Jehoshaphat was afraid and sought God. In desperation, he called Judah to fast and gather in Jerusalem. Broken before the entire nation, Jehoshaphat cried out to God. In 2 Chronicles 20:12, he said they are powerless and they don’t know what to do, but their eyes are on God.

We live in challenging times. Our students live in a world void of absolute truth. They are told their values are inaccurate and intolerant. As followers of Christ, many feel powerless and don’t know what to do.

But God is always in control. Here He tells Judah not to be afraid because the battle is not theirs but God’s. “Stand firm, go out and the Lord will be with you.”

God heard their cry and delivered them. Do we believe He will deliver us? We must come before Him broken and desperate. We must come before Him with all our uncertainty with our eyes on Him. He is our Deliverer.

Pray that throughout all their uncertainty, students would come before God desperately seeking Him.

Eric Sexton
Campus Minister, Gadsden State Community College


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