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The call to vocational ministry draws out many emotions.

As I think about my journey and call, I am reminded of the joy, fear and actually a multitude of thoughts that flooded my mind. From student to campus minister at the University of North Alabama was a long journey that started well before college but intensified when I reached UNA.

I tried to push the thought of surrendering to the ministry aside and just tried to obey God in my everyday life.

I coached the game I loved. I worked in an athletic department that I loved, and yet as I participated in all these activities I loved, it was not fulfilling.
Fast forward to the present, and I am just a joyful campus minister working in a job I love, trusting God to handle my fears. I have learned He always has the perfect plan.

Why am I writing this? Why do I want to share with you about how that journey is unfolding for college students? I am sharing because I know the same struggles current students face are the struggles multitudes of students have faced. I know you can relate and pray.

During the fall semester 2020, I began to ask the Lord to help me mentor students juggling the call to vocational ministry. I was unsure how to begin and wanted the Lord to guide each step of the process.

As I was praying, I received an email from Larry Hyche, another state missionary, asking me if I had students who felt this call and if he could be of assistance. God always has the perfect plan.

So Larry and I began brainstorming which led to the event “I Think I am Called?” at UNA.

Any student considering the call, at any level, to vocational ministry is welcomed. I was completely unsure how many students were dealing with a ministry call, but the Lord sent 24 students to the original event with an additional two since then.

We have 26 students praying and walking through surrendering their lives to vocational ministry. They are such an encouragement to me and the work on the UNA campus.

So this is a time to pray for college students. The Lord is clearly stirring up the next generation of leaders to lead His church. He is moving and preparing to reap a harvest through college students.

Our response as Alabama Baptists is to cover them in prayer. Here are a few points to guide prayers for our students at UNA and across the state who are considering the call:

  • Pray that these students seek first the Kingdom of God as we are commanded in Matthew 6:33.
  • Pray that these students walk worthy of the calling to which they have been called in Ephesians 4:1.
  • Pray that our students clearly hear the voice of the Lord and not make emotional decisions. See Ephesians 3:14-21.
  • Pray that these students boldly obey the voice of the Spirit and stay connected to the true vine of Jesus in John 15.
  • Pray for doors to be opened both on their campus and in the future to fulfill the ministry like in 2 Timothy 4:1-5.
  • Pray for mentors that can disciple these students and help them grow in this calling.

I hope you are encouraged to know that students are not only seeking the call to vocational ministry but also passionately reaching their campuses for Jesus.

Jesus will use this generation of students in a powerful way to bring a fresh moving of revival, not only on college campuses but across the land.

Thank you for praying and supporting students, families and campus ministers in these exciting times.

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