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Jesse transferred to Bama this fall. He met Dane on the first day of class. Dane brought Jesse to multiple “10 Days of Insanity” events sponsored by Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM), including the back-to-school retreat.

At the retreat, Justin Nelson, student minister at Taylorville Baptist Church, met Jesse. They connected quickly, both being avid hunters and all-around outdoorsmen.

Over the course of the semester, we saw Jesse more and more. He visited a few churches, but eventually settled on Taylorville. As many of us learned more about Jesse, it became clear that Jesse did not know Christ.

I meet weekly with Dane as a mentor with Jesse as a frequent topic of conversation and prayer. Dane would often share that he spent time with Jesse and asked me and others to pray for the Gospel to be clearly shared.

About 3-4 weeks ago, I got a text from Justin letting me know that he’d had the opportunity to lead Jesse to the Lord! Jesse was recently baptized at Taylorville. Jesse now knows how many individuals have been praying for him and hoping for his salvation.

His is a great story of God working through the teamwork of individuals and also BCM and a local church.

State Missionary Nate Young serves Alabama Baptists as Senior Baptist Campus Minister at the University of Alabama. He may be contacted at [email protected].

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