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Anyone that looks across our state can see that college campuses are packed with students from across the globe…literally. Most would agree that the college campus is perhaps one of the most diverse mission fields in the state. The Office of Collegiate & Student Ministries seeks to partner with local churches through Baptist Campus Ministries and church based collegiate ministries to reach college students. The State Board of Missions employs 16 state missionaries that serve as campus ministers and seeks to resource, equip and encourage associations doing next generation ministry on dozens of community college campuses across the state.

Reaching Students

Seeing collegians come to faith in Christ is a primary role of The Office of Collegiate and Student Ministries.  We are here to motivate, equip and resource churches and campus ministries to give every person on every college and university campus Alabama opportunity to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, baptized and assimilated into a local church through effective and caring evangelism strategies.
Elevating and advancing the Gospel on campus by putting the best ideas in the hands of leaders.

Resourcing Leaders

17903786 10154294064042455 5876716394991084126 nSouthern Baptists and specifically Alabama Baptists have been ministering to college students for almost 90 years. That ministry is accomplished in two primary ways: a local church’s ministry to college students and also through Baptist Campus Ministries (BCM) working directly on the college or university campus. BCM is the largest ministry to college students in the nation and reaches over a quarter million students each year through evangelism, discipleship, missions and leadership ministries directly on college and university campuses. This ministry is implemented in a variety of ways specific to the needs and function of the local campus and Baptist association. 

Baptist Campus Ministries on campuses across Alabama is a partnership ministry between the Alabama Baptist Convention State Board of Missions and the local Baptist association of churches.

The fundamentals of ministry to college students include:

  • Evangelism
  • Missions
  • Bible Study/Discipleship
  • Fellowship
  • Churchmanship


IMG 3815 1 e1566929150600The mission field of the college or university campus is constantly changing – that can be one of the most exciting and at the same time challenging aspects of campus and church collegiate ministry. Resources for ministry with college students is also continually changing and keeping up with current teaching and resource options can be no less frustrating.

The Office of Collegiate and Student Ministries at the State Board of Missions wants to serve Alabama Baptist churches by providing current and appropriate resources for your church and its ministry to college students. The most effective way to do that is with a one-on-one consultation with church college ministry leaders, Sunday School teachers, etc. To arrange a consultation for your church, please contact:

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