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You and I are in the planning business. Okay, maybe not as a professional planner, but we’re all constantly making plans — amending and changing them.

Our plans may be as simple as what to wear today or what to have for dinner tonight or as complex as a job change, a wedding or purchasing a new house or a car.

College students are a great example. They deal with daily planning — classes, study time, nap time. But they, perhaps more than any collective group I’m aware of, are in the middle of the most significant time of planning — planning for a career, relationships and beyond. Planning for the rest of their lives.

A part of the church’s mission is to engage these students and help them understand that the One who created them also has some pretty cool plans for their lives. Their mission is to walk with Him daily and focus on how they can be a part of His big picture plan for our world.

Our statewide collegiate event, PURSUE, is aimed at helping students (high school seniors and college students) and young adults navigate that planning process. Collect information. Look at options. Explore opportunities. And examine their skills, interests, and abilities — all to make sure their plans sync up with His plans.

PURSUE 2017 is coming up quick! February 17-18, 2017 at First Baptist Church, Montgomery. You can register now at

Jeremiah 29-11-13 is the scriptural plumb line we’re using to help students and young adults seek and understand their place in God’s plan and purpose for their lives. That may mean that future teachers, veterinarians, engineers, accountants, doctors, nurses, attorneys, and businessmen and women could each gain a new understanding of how they can each use their chosen passion and profession for God’s purpose and glory!

We’re all making plans. Make plans that could affect the rest of your life and impact the world. Don’t miss PURSUE2017.

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