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Student Missions Changes Lives

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Do you have experiences in life where you think, “Nothing can top this.”? And then, the next time around, that experience is topped. And the next? And the next?

Sometimes I feel like a broken record when I share about what God is doing through student summer missionaries. Last year was the best. But, the reports that are coming in make me contradict myself because this year is the best!

One student serving in Southeast Asia writes: We have seen ten Filipinos come to Christ, and we have had multiple opportunities to disciple those new believers through daily Bible study.

One student serving in South Asia writes: Two Buddhist nuns have begun attending a seeker Bible study we are hosting because they want to learn more about Christ.

One student serving in Africa writes: Three men were very eager to talk to our group as we were out sharing one afternoon. As we began to share the Gospel, one of the men stopped them and said, “Wait, I must tell you. I had a dream of two white people coming to speak to me today. So I am very, very interested in what you have to say.” Needless to say, they were blown away because that was obviously the Holy Spirit preparing their hearts. All three men eventually gave their hearts and lives to Christ.

One student serving in Phoenix writes: I feel more equipped to go back home and better share the Gospel.

Jesse Powell, church planting catalyst in Phoenix, says the team serving out there is on pace to have put together a little core group by the end of their term this summer – and he is having conversations with potential church planters in the area to follow up with the team’s efforts.

Adam Bishop, church planter in Jackson Heights, New York, called to update me on a student that served with Jackson Heights Community Church: “The impact that she has made in two months is tremendous. She has developed deep relationships with several ladies in our area.” The relationships this student has developed can make a great impact on the work that Adam and his team are doing in Queens.

To date, there have been more than 350 professions of faith reported from students serving across the globe!

Reports like this are certainly a great encouragement to me. As I think back on my student missions experiences, I just can’t imagine how God is going to multiply these reports not only in the areas of service but in the student missionary’s life. Student missions changes lives – not just of those that they serve but of the student missionaries themselves.

Conversations about moving to a large city in the U.S. to work or serve with a church plant, or working to reach international students in an intentional way back on campus, or being a business person on a mission in a global city – all conversations I’ve had multiple times this summer. It encourages me that these students are seeking to be disciples making disciples. That’s why I do what I do. That’s the call that is on all our lives. That’s who we are as followers of Christ.

The post Student Missions Changes Lives appeared first on One Mission Students.

Source: One Mission Students
Student Missions Changes Lives

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