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Our weekly Engage tables on the Concourse have given us several opportunities to speak with students about Christ through the Soularium cards.

I had a conversation with two East Asian girls in October with the Soularium cards, and I asked them what they thought about God. I asked them usual questions and then came to the point where I share my story with them.

They seemed to know a little about what I was telling them. I shared with them how sin causes us to be broken and how in the middle of that place, when we had no hope, He was pursuing us by sending His Son to die on the cross to pay the penalty for our sin.

After talking with them further, I found they have only been in the U.S. since early September and have been attending Bible study that met in our building. They had only been studying about Jesus for the past couple of weeks and wanted to know more. We talked for a while longer about what they had been learning and what God has been teaching them about His plan for their lives.

After talking for a while, I learned they were from an area of East Asia I had visited last Christmas. We talked about places I visited and why I was there. It was so amazing how God brought students from the same area of East Asia that I had visited to my campus and my table on the Concourse – and to hear that, since coming to the U.S., they had been introduced to Christ through Bible study that meets in our Baptist Campus Ministry.

There were just too many coincidences for it to be an accident. It was the Lord at work reminding me that He is a big God but not impersonal.

Join me in praying for the teams that will be going out this Christmas back to that country.

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