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Update from Erin serving in Mobile, AL

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Last Thursday we met a lady from Mexico who is Christian. After talking for a while she felt that God was leading her to go to Hope of the Nations Church.

Hope of the Nations is an International church that seeks to have each of it’s members worship in their heart language, the language they are most comfortable with. We meet in homes across Mobile to worship in our own language and cultural style. Currently we have Spanish, Filipino, English, Japanese, Iranian, and Indonesian.

So, we have been praying God would bring us bilingual leaders who want to serve, and God lead us to this Spanish woman. Then, a few hours later we met another lady from Cuba who is also a Spanish speaker and she too felt like God was leading her to join our church to help further the Kingdom in Mobile. Praise the Lord!

Every Wednesday night we have been praying for bilingual leaders who can reach out to the different nationalities in Mobile and God has moved this week among the Spanish speaking community. These two ladies attended Hope of the Nations this past Sunday and committed to bringing their families. God is so faithful and I am really looking forward to what God is going to do in the future with the other nationalities.

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