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Myles, a student at Gadsden State, met Mark, a church planter in Kansas, when Mark made a visit to his Baptist Campus Ministry last spring. Mark is pastor of Aviator Church, Wellington, Kans. (Aviator is one church with three locations.)

Aviator partners with church plants in their area as well as across the globe. Aviator Church believes starting new churches is one of the most effective ways for people to experience Jesus for the first time. Aviator Church strategically connects students with opportunities to learn from experienced church planters.

After conversations with Mark and his campus minister, Myles decided he wanted to spend his summer serving alongside Mark in Kansas. Here’s Myles’ story:

A few weeks into my summer experience I began to develop a burning passion for the ministry with which I was involved. I remember it being the first thought in the morning and the final thought before sleep. I felt led to discuss the opportunity/possibility of becoming more involved with Aviator Church with my field supervisor, Mark. As we were able to find some time to meet, I shared with Mark how I felt God moving in me and what I wanted to do about it. After doing so, Mark told me that he had been praying about that exact same thing. He shared an opportunity to pursue an internship with the church for a one-year term with potential of becoming even longer.

Through his experience this summer, Myles had the opportunity to see more than 20 people commit to Christ and follow through with baptism. Myles began his internship with Aviator Church earlier this month. Pray for Myles and other students who are seeking to be obedient to God’s call – whether that’s on their campus, in Kansas or where ever God is calling them!

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