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Temporary residents.  That’s how the Holman Christian Standard Bible translates the Greek word parepidemos in 1 Peter 1:1 and 2:11. It’s sometimes translated as “pilgrims” or “sojourners.”  Peter points out the importance of that recognition of the temporary status of things on this earth.  If we know that we strangers here, it will affect our behavior. We may try to “fit in,” but we have to remember that we are different than those around us. We are “not of this world.”

This fall, thousands of 17- and 18-year-olds will be entering into a new “temporary resident” status as college freshmen at their chosen colleges or universities. The temptation will be to fit in with the college culture and expectations. Pray for them to look to where they came from and where they are going as they begin this sojourn of college. Pray for them to act as citizens of the kingdom of Christ while on their sojourn.

Sean Thornton
State Missionary
Campus Minister, University of Montevallo

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