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Write to the angel of the church in Philadelphia: “The Holy One, the True One, the One who has the key of David, who opens and no one will close, and closes and no one opens says: I know your works. Because you have limited strength, have kept My word, and have not denied My name, look, I have placed before you an open door that no one is able to close.” (Revelation 3:7, 8 HCSB)

Do you ever feel as if your access to an impactful ministry in your world is closed off? What will it take to make inroads into the culture around you with the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Perhaps how we answer that final question will give us some indication as to why our efforts sometimes seem fruitless.  If your answer is you-centered or human-focused, you may just discover that is the reason that your efforts have seemed fruitless.  This passage reminds us that God is the one who opens doors, who makes a way, who gives us access to fruitful living and evangelistic ministry in our world.

As we pray over Alabama campuses it is essential that we understand that God is the one that opens doors to effective ministry in our world – God is the grantor of access for Gospel ministry. When we have an unshakable sense that God is the one opening the doors according to his purpose, we can confidently walk through those doors.

Prayer Prompt:

– Will you pray today that God will open doors of relationship with new friends for Christian students, Baptist Campus Ministers, and church collegiate workers on our college campuses?
– Will you pray that God would open doors to fruitful ministry among specific people groups on our campuses – athletes, Greek organizations, International students, skeptics and academic groups?
– Will you pray today that God will open doors of relationship with those who are essentially antagonistic to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the existence of God?
– Will you pray that God will open doors for students and workers to proclaim the Gospel boldly on college campuses across Alabama?
– What does it take for the church to make evangelistic inroads into the college campus? It takes the God of Open Doors moving and working and opening doors for ministry! Will we turn our hearts to Him in prayer and seek His movement on the campuses that God has entrusted to us?

Jerrod Brown
State Missionary
Campus Minister, University of South Alabama


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